Monday, October 1, 2012

Orange is the new black.

What happened to September?!

It seems like everyone wanted to change things up as soon as the pre-Labour Day whites were tossed aside like the 3-month old sandwich I found in my son's school backpack!

I've been busy!

But here we are in October... families are settling in to their coveted new neighbourhoods and schools, hockey teams have been chosen, sales of Ben's white bread have skyrocketed, and it's time to buy cute boots.

It's also time to do a few very important (albeit boring) things around the house.

The number one thing is to have your furnace checked. And by checked, I don't mean turning on the thermostat and going "yep, it still works". I mean, calling in a professional to clean the filters and do whatever it is they are trained to do.

It's also time to remove window screens, clean eavestroughs, buy Halloween candy, fertilize lawn, dust off pumpkin lights, rake leaves, eat Halloween candy, clear downspouts, wash wooden lawn chairs (I use bleach) and store somewhere because they don't fit down the cellar stairs, weatherstrip breezy windows, buy more Halloween candy, insulate attic, rake leaves again, order firewood, stack firewood, call a chimney sweep, roll up garden hoses and move to basement, prepare for Halloween costume disasters, order furnace oil, plant spring bulbs, mulch garden beds...

and buy a condo.
