You know fall is just around the corner when I am asking for votes in the Coast's Reader's Choice Awards, and when happy freshman are spotted wheeling by with a mattress on a borrowed shopping cart. Students make moving appear effortless and fun!
But it isn't!
Change of residence and changing schools rank right up there with in-law trouble and pregnancy as serious life changing stress makers. The secret is GETTING RID of STUFF. Declutter your life instead of packing it up and moving it to a new location. We are all so sentimental... but do you really have an attachment to the 47 Tupperware containers with no lids?
My advice is to plan a garage sale for early September – even if you're not moving. Students need everything, and they are not fussy. Besides, that framed poster from that trip with your ex to Paris will look great hanging above their "new" mattress. And what you don't sell you can just leave on the curb... it'll be gone before you take your pile of twoonies to the bank.
I opened the paper this morning to see that Thornbloom are in the last week of clearing things out before their big move to the Trillium on South Park! What they don't sell this week they have to move... so head in and pick up a bargain on furniture, lighting, glassware and something to replace that chipped teapot you've been hanging on to for way too long.
The retail strip underneath the Trillium Condominiums is stacking up to be a great place to shop! Thornbloom are joining P'lovers and HaliKids and Humani-T Cafe among others – and I always find a place to park right out front.
Lately I've seen restaurants and boutiques popping up all over Halifax. I guess you could say the entire city is on the move!
(Don't forget to vote!)