Sunday, September 14, 2014

Hitting the Hay on Gottingen on Sept. 27th

As many of us casually make everyday decisions about feather or down, 300 or 600 thread count and queen or king, there are many in the city who are faced with the simple question of “where will I sleep tonight?”
This issue floats in and out of the headlines but as the winds howl and snow flies on a bitter winter night, this is a very real, everyday struggle for someone without a home...

On Sept. 27th  I will be joining my boys Noah and Fischer to raise awareness and money for Shelter Nova Scotia, a cause that supports 1500 people a year struggling with homelessness in our community.
I would love your support in this endeavour, even if it’s a contribution to the campaign instead of your daily latte!
Watch my blog and Twitter for more developments. I’ll be posting plenty of updates as I near my fundraising goal of $2000. I am incredibly passionate about the cause and hope you will help me spread the word…because everyone deserves a place to call home.