Thursday, October 25, 2012

Scary busy.

The annual sugar highs and lows, combined with the Halloween costume malfunctions and meltdowns, are nothing, I repeat, NOTHING, compared to the drama that is the Halloween birthday.

My daughter was born wearing a princess/devil costume on a dark and stormy October 31st, much to the delight of her older brother – who had no intention of sharing his November 1st birthday with anyone... especially a shiny, new, and incredibly loud little sister!

Needless to say, between Halloween, the Halloween birthday, the day after Halloween birthday, house closings, and house showings – there is no time to make candy corn wreaths, caramel apples, popcorn balls – or patience to chain saw a variety of pumpkins into the Martha Stewart masterpieces that appear on doorsteps all over town.  

The witch that answers our doorbell isn't in costume... and she is tired!

Putting the festive mayhem into perspective is Halifax Connects – my contribution to the widespread problem of homelessness in HRM. On November 4th, Citadel High School opens its doors to individuals struggling with homelessness, and those at risk. More than anything, it is heartbreaking to see so many families with small children at this well-attended, annual event. The services and resources on-site are a barrier-free way of offering things most of us take for granted – a haircut, mental heath services, housing information, a hot meal, and a smile.

I heard on the radio the other day that the average household spends $75 dollars a year on Halloween, and that many parents toss out the unwanted treats, once the kids plow through all the good stuff. Maybe now that the bright orange UNICEF boxes seem to have gone the way of the penny, we could all "shell out" to local agencies trying to fill empty bellies.

Tossing a can of soup in a trick or treater's loot bag, may get your house egged. Giving canned goods, dried pasta, cereal, peanut butter, or a few loonies to a food bank will make you feel like a good witch.

Happy Halloween Birthday!
